Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mentos Canon Design Ideas

Today you will be creating your 3D model of your ideal Mento's Shooter.  But first I want you to get an idea from what other students have created in the past.  Pay close attention to the way they are controlling how the Mento's makes contact with the Diet Soda.

I expect you to have started or possibly completed your own individual idea for the Mento's Shooter.  Before the end of the period you need to have completed the following 3 things.

1.  Brainstormed an idea
2.  Started to build a prototype in Sketchup
3.  Export whatever work you have completed into a 2d graphic
4.  Email the 2D graphic to

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sumo Programming

Today the students will be working on finishing their Sumo Bots and Mastering the programming.

They will need these links to successfully complete the challenge!

Sumo Programming

Monday, May 4, 2015

Ultrasonic Challenge

This week the students will get a hands on experience with Ultrasonic Sensors.  We will be watching the following Prezi to start class and then the challenge will begin!

Ultrasonic Prezi

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Looking toward the Ultra Sonic Sensors

Today the students are learning the basics of the Move Until Near Sensor AKA the Ultra Sonic Sensor.

The students will be completing the online module below. They must write out the full question and the answer.

Ultra Sonic Sensor Module

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Arm Bar Challenge Over, Ultrasonic Sensors Here we Come!

The students will be finishing their Arm Bar Challenge today and moving into the Ultra Sonic Sensor.  While they are showing off their skills they will be watching the following Documentary!

I, Wombot

Monday, April 20, 2015

Arm Bar/Touch Sensor Challenge

This week the students are jumping all in with the Arm Bar Challenge.  The exact Challenge can be viewed by clicking the link below.


Below are resources to help the students program their robots.

Should be a fun, creative, and interesting week in the Robotics Lab.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Best Robots Video

Students will be watching and reflecting on the numerous robotics designs.  The video can be viewed by clicking below!