Friday, March 27, 2015

Programming Web Site

Here is the new link to the Programming Guides!

EV3 Programming

Previewing Next Weeks Challenges Monday and Tuesday

The students have been working hard at building their Robots and learning the basics of Programming.  On Monday they will begin to put their base skills to the test.

The students will be challenged with programming the Robot to complete a Figure 8 inside of a Rectangular box of unknown dimension.  They will have 15 minutes to program after the bell rings and then they will run their programs.

On Tuesday the students will show off their ability to control their programming.  They will have 15 minutes to design a program to complete a Maze.  Their ability to understand the distance of tire rotations and turning will be key to complete it!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

EV3 Programming Software

Today they will be taking inventory of their EV3 kits and then starting to build.

The tutorial Below should help introduce them to the environment.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Bring on the Robots

This week we officially leave our Engineering and Design Module and enter the world of the EV3 Robot.  The students will be getting the basic over view of the EV3 robots today by exploring the first two tutorials from the website below

EV3 Programming Website

Then they will begin work on taking an inventory of their Robotics Kit.  The key objective for this week is to introduce the Robots and explore what they are capable of.

Next week we will be getting into our normal Robotics Routines.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Let the Bio Mimicry Begin??????

Today the students will begin the planning phase of their Bio Mimicry project.  They will be watching the video linked below and create a prezi of their planning phase.

Building a Mighty Machine

They will have two days to design, build and test a mighty machine capable of launching itself across the room.  They will have the following materials

Prezi Log Ins
password:  student1

3 pop sickle sticks
4 Rubber Bands
2 Paper Clips
1 Plastic Bag
12 inches of string
Limitless Creativity

The planning phase prezi must include the following.

Slide 1:  Introduction and Title
Slide 2:  A brief description of their plan
Slide 3:  A JPEG Prototype designed in Sketchup
Slide 4:  A detailed timeline of their activities over the next two days.

It should be a fun day

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 1 Zip Line..... And the winner is

The students successfully completed the challenge.  However, one group rose above the rest and put in a perfect score of 12 seconds.

It was a successful day of testing and checking!  All groups did a great job!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Zip Line Construction and Testing in Action!!!!!!

Students got off to a quick start and began engineering ways to try to control the trip of their vehicle to 12 seconds........

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Let the Zip Line Challenge Begin.......

Today the students are starting the Planning Phase of their Zip Line Challenge.  Yesterdays focus on team dynamics and introductions should begin to pay dividends.  The students will be given the task of creating a Zip Line that can get from Location A to Location B in as close to 12 seconds as possible.  This is controlled challenge and the students are going to have to test different designs and find the perfect combination so it travels to the exact destination in exactly 12 seconds.

They will have the following planning times.

10 minutes to finish Group Prezi
10 minutes to plan in their group settings
20 minutes to create a prototype independently on Sketchup
5 minutes to email prototypes to me
10 minutes to debrief ideas and models within their groups.

They have the following materials:

1 Straw
1 Zip Tie
1 Paper Cup
20 Rocks
1 Paper Bag
1 Balloon
12 Inches of Tape
1 Paper Clip
5 team members of Creativity.

They will have time to finish their Prezi's from yesterday and then they will be independently brainstorming designs inside of Sketchup.  I will post pictures of their Sketchup Prototypes throughout the day.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Getting Ready for the Zip Line Challenge - Expanding our Team Building Skills

This week the students will be working on expanding their team work and Engineering and Design Skills by completing the Zip Line Challenge.  This weeks challenge will differ from lasts week in the fact the students will have have a team and individual challenge.  Thursday and Friday we will be completing the challenge.

However, today we will be exploring teams and team building.  We will be watching and discussing the video below.  Then the students will be placed into their teams for the week and create a team Prezi that explains each team members Strengths, Weaknesses, and desired role for this weeks challenge.

Should be another fun filled week!