Friday, February 27, 2015

The Final Marshmallow Challenge

Today is concluding the end of the Marshmallow Challenge.  The students will have fifteen minutes to build the tallest free standing structure with a Marshmallow at the top using the materials listed below.

20 sticks of spaghetti
6 straws
1 Marshmallow
12 inches of tape
12 inches of string
1 brown paper bag

Below is the time lapse photography from the beginning to the end in 30 second increments.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Materials, New Challenge, New Results.

Today they attacked the Marshmallow Challenge with a New Tool, No Spaghetti, and No ability to communicate.  These are the final results.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Marshmallow Challenge Engineering and Design - Round 1

Here are the preliminary results of the first challenge issued to the Robinson Robotics Club. We should see vast improvements as the Engineering and Design Process is repeated over the next few days. Each day the challenge is repeated it will have a slight alteration from the original plan.

5 Minutes In

Day One Results